Hey! ✌️
My name is Andreas Klinger.
I invest via my micro-fund Prototype Capital into crazy stuff globally. 🦾
Additionally, I work on 🇪🇺 EU Inc to make Europe a better place for startups.
Before that, I was founding team & CTO of Product Hunt, VPE of CoinList, Head of Remote at AngelList, and CTO at On Deck.
I was lucky to learn from a lot of people throughout my career.
On this page I try to summarize some learnings.
PS: If you find typos or got ideas how to improve articles, feel free to send me a pull request
Take Trump Seriously
8 viewsIn his first presidency he was verbal shit-posting and looking what sticked and rotated people around him until something fitted. This time he comes prepared and is very intentional about what he says and does.
Read more...Five – A Sci-Fi Short Story – Chapter 1
238 viewsChapter 1 of a Sci-Fi short story i wrote
Read more...- 2024
Uncapped notes dont work for first rounds.
208 viewsUncapped safe notes misalign incentives in first rounds… let me explain why
Read more... 🇪🇺 Dear Europe, please wake up
70,561 viewsEurope is special to me as I consider myself a proud European, but damn we need to talk. Europe please wake up.
Read more...🇮🇳 India in 2024
17,842 viewsIn February I made my first business trip to India. Three weeks deep in the Indian tech ecosystem. My summary is simple: I feel like the world needs an update how we view India
Read more...Mindshare 🧠
438 viewsThe hard part now, is to get mindshare with customers.
Read more...- 2023
Everyone is doing 1on1s wrong. I think.
6,845 viewsOur calendars are packed with meetings. We communicate mostly in 1on1on1on1 trains. Nobody is happy. Nothing gets done. Can we fix this?
Read more... 000
496 viewsA Sci-Fi Short Story
Read more...Getting Old
Read more...- 2022
First-time fundraising is hell - maybe this helps 💰
5,150 viewsIts easy to start fundraising, but most people struggle closing their round. Especially now. Why? I try to give a few mental models and a bit tactical advice.
Read more... Q-Codes; Or… Stop repeating yourself ⌨️
2,709 viewsI use apple’s keyboard “text” shortcodes to setup a lot of things i have to type regularly. It’s easily one of my favorite productivity hacks!
Read more...How i make investment decisions 🏝
8,966 viewsThe goal of this article is to break down how i make investment decisions in the hope that it helps founders to see their fundraising effort from the “other side”.
Read more...Managing people 🤯
128,395 viewsI believe almost all first-time founders burn out their first employees – maybe this article helps you avoiding this
Read more...- 2021
5,216 viewsOver the years i met several people that left quite an impact on me and in many cases helped me along the way. I tried to summariz...
Read more... Joining hypergrowth startups 😬
17,490 viewsI am writing this for a friend joining an early-stage breakout startup (year 2; $200M+ valuation). I wrote it as bullet points as...
Read more...- 2020
1,982 viewsI want to preface this by saying that I have only a mild case of ADHD, eg I don’t take any medication. I get regularly asked about...
Read more... How I think about Code Management
5,394 viewsYou might have the worst codebase in the world. It was written by people who had no standards or didn’t care about code quality. H...
Read more...Quick tips for hiring remotely
1,641 viewsYou are most likely already experienced with hiring so think of this more as a quick FYI focusing on hiring remotely… What issues...
Read more...Close your office. Now. How to operate your startup under lock-down.
5,277 viewsWhat a week. The US declared the state of emergency. Many leading startups closed their office. And I expect that all startups in...
Read more...- 2019
#fyi: How founders can avoid drive-by-management
10,233 viewsSuggestions by founders, managers, or anyone with authority in a startup, might often be misunderstood as directions or decisions...
Read more... Refactoring larger legacy codebases
2,146 viewsThis article is based on a comment of mine to a HackerNews question. Thought it might be useful to explain it here a bit more in d...
Read more...A model that’s mental
2,953 viewsMaybe… This anxiety isn’t anxiety it’s just your raw excitement that you are misunderstanding. This creeping imposter syndrome jus...
Read more...- 2018
Managing Remote Teams - A Crash Course
49,602 viewsHey folks, I haven’t been blogging for quite some time, so everything is a bit rusty for me, but i thought this article might be u...
Read more... - 2014
The simplest and most important dashboard for early stage startups.
27,610 viewsThis blogpost is part of a small series of posts that cover the basics of startup metrics. My personal goal is to help early stage...
Read more... Easy, but easy to f*ck up. 3 Rules to Setup Analytics Tools correctly.
4,988 viewsAs a consultant for analytics i see a fair share of integrations of analytics tools. One of the most common mistakes is how people...
Read more...A Primer on Startup Metrics – Which Analytics Tool to pick.
23,507 viewsAs a analytics consultant I am working with a lot of startups and help them in the topics of metrics, analytics, retention and gro...
Read more...- 2013
How to use Gmail more efficiently
398,921 viewsI usually I blog about Angellist but I have shown this “lifehack” to so many people that I thought it’s worth it’s own blogpost...
Read more... Why Lean Startup sucks for startups.
19,732 viewsIf you go to Lean Startup events you will find first time founders, consultants, accelerator managers, r&d people, enterprise intr...
Read more...AngelList is the NASDAQ of our generation.
4,612 viewsIt’s fair to say that Angellist is the most exciting (web/mobile) tech startup in 2013. Even before they launched syndicates, earl...
Read more...Drafting your first investment round.
2,905 viewsThe topic of investing is omnipresent in our startup world. Sooner or later most startup founders look for external funding. And i...
Read more...Why the future needs a brandname.
2,953 viewsThere is a disenchantment in our generation. We are still sitting on our lonely planet without space travel nor flying cars or at...
Read more...- 2012
Startup Mentoring Sessions: How to be a decent, maybe even good startup mentor.
3,848 viewsHow to be the perfect startup mentor? I don’t know. But following the best practices mentioned in this article I got personally at...
Read more... Startup Mentoring Sessions: How to get the most out of it.
8,011 viewsEveryone is doing pitch training. Almost no-one does training for the mentoring session, but this is where most startups get the m...
Read more...The Founder’s Lie About Comfort Zones
23,054 viewsThere is a lot of talk going on about the endurance and struggle that startup founders go through. How long the hours are, we all...
Read more...About the “other” Startup Hubs.
1,036 viewsThere is an energetic discussion going on in the Web-Tech Startup World. Each city wants to know - “Can we become the next Silicon...
Read more...Why i am leaving my own company.
3,183 viewsFortunately I was able to tell this already to many people in person. But a quick public blog post might help to clarify and simpl...
Read more...How global media communication changes in a transparent world
148 viewsThese are crowdaggregated pictures from Syria (across basically all social media channels). No media publisher inbetween. Authenti...
Read more...Peter Thiel’s Startup Class Notes as PDF
16,623 views@bgmasters created an awesome series of blog posts covering his notes of Peter Thiel’s startup class CS183. Personally i try to re...
Read more...My Addressbook? Keep it. Telephone numbers are a disgrace to our generation.
1,000 viewsThere is all this talk going on about Path uploading address books and privacy here privacy there. I understand the fact that Star...
Read more...Sh*t! Twitter is exciting - again!
1,648 viewsEvery epoch in the history of humanity had a raw resource that became the key to commercial success that time. Similar to companie...
Read more...The things first time founders do…
4,864 viewsLast week @robfitz asked me on short notice to join a panel at #foundersexchange about what first time founders shouldn’t do. I qu...
Read more...The unannounced updates to Facebook’s Social Plugins and how to use them!
588 viewsSince the launch of platform, Facebook has the approach of shipping features early, very early. They ship first, ask later and doc...